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Home » VibraSON “Llego VibraSON!”

VibraSON “Llego VibraSON!”


VibraSÓN’s music respects and honors the old -classic salsa from the Boogaloo era of the 1960s- while adding a contemporary feel to the sound, with dancers in mind. The vibraphone-centric format echoes the sounds of an era of LaFn Music where big bands gave way to smaller and hipper club-sized ensembles. The smoothness of the vibraphone embraces the inFmacy of a compact group that connects with its surroundings in clubs with dancers pracFcally on top of the stage. Swing is king in these seJngs, and VibraSÓN glorifies the Fghtness of a band made up of percussion instruments, adding the vocal character of modern songs.

The band was founded by Jake Jacobs, a Salsa dancer/instructor for over 20 years in the Bay Area, whose father was a pianist, and uncle played xylophone / vibes. Veteran musicians, Marco Diaz on piano, Saul Sierra on bass, along with experienced percussionists Carlos Caro and Julio Perez bring a crew of players long seasoned in diverse styles of LaFn music. Vibraphonist Charlie Barreda was heavily influenced by Cal Tjader, a Bay Area legend and role model for many generaFons of LaFn players. MulF-percussionist, ChrisFan Pepin, from a legendary musical family in New York, gives a contemporary sound to the rhythm secFon. Finally, Luis Morales, with a rich past singing salsa, R&B, and alternaFve rock rounds out the group. VibraSÓN brings tradiFonal sounds of LaFn Music together with modern rhythms, soulful vocals, and adventurous solos.
This recording is a revival of the old, mixed with sounds of the new to produce an alluring sound that people crave. Jake plays for the dancers and they appreciate it. How could he not?

Tracks included:

1. Llego VibraSON 3:39

2. Riete 4:10

3. No Te Me Escondas 4:55

4. Lonely is the Night 5:20

5. Englishman in New York 5:08

6. Latin Vibe Tuesdays 5:44

7. Freeway 5:15

8. Fragile 5:01

9. Lonely is the Night (bolero) 3:42

10. Latin Vibe Tuesdays (Jake) 5:44


Bookings: Jake Jacobs 415-409-9040  –

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