National Geographic Presents IMPACT with Gal Gadot is a short-form documentary series that follows the powerful stories of six women who are making an extraordinary impact on their communities around the world. Despite living in areas marred by violence, poverty, trauma, discrimination, oppression, and natural disasters, these brave women remain undeterred as they dare to dream, stand out, speak up and lead.
Episodes Include: Ice Breakers
Premieres Monday, April 26
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.: Follow the story of Kameryn, a 20-year-old figure skating coach who has dedicated her life to coaching young girls of color to empower them both on and off the ice.
Surf Sisters
Premieres Monday, May 3
Half Moon Bay, California, U.S.A.: After losing her twin sister to COVID, Kelsey is driven by two passions: surfing and helping people through grief and trauma.
The Ripple Effect
Premieres Monday, May 10
San Juan, Puerto Rico, U.S.A.: Discover the inspiring story of Arianna, a 19-year-old woman leading a team of college students who invented a water filtration system.
Coming Home
Premieres Monday, May 17
Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A.: Meet Kayla, who has dedicated her life to helping homeless transgender women of color.
Killer Red Fox
Premieres Monday, May 24
Grand Caillou/Dulac, Louisiana, U.S.A.: Meet Chief Shirell, the first female chief of her southern Louisiana tribe. Her ancestors have lived on the land for hundreds of years, and they are now expected to be among the United States’ first climate refugees.
Na Ponta dos Pés (On Pointe)
Premieres Monday, May 31
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil: Witness the inspiring story of Tuany, a 23-year-old ballet dancer who started a dance company for young girls in the middle of one of Rio De Janeiro’s most dangerous favelas.
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