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Home » Maria Raquel y Sus Maravillas “El Tiempo Se Acabó”

Maria Raquel y Sus Maravillas “El Tiempo Se Acabó”

As soon as you hear the opening baritone sax of “El Tiempo Se Acabo” it is clear that Maria Raquel y Sus Maravillas brings the party like no one since Los Hermanos Rosario. Maria Raquel takes the merengue en serio, but her message is simple: tienes que bailar. As lead vocalist and lyricist, Maria Raquel wry melodies and strong phrasing lock in with the fiery percussion of MastaKriz  Guira (Aventura, Omega) the brass section (Antibalas, Eddie Palmieri) push each song to it’s rhythmic breaking point. And while Maria Raquel y Sus Maravillas love their classic merengue, their modern take is electrifying  dance floors around the world as a new generation discovers this music.

#MariaRaquelysusmaravillas #eltiemposeacabo