Premiering this summer, “Disney Junior’s Ariel” is an animated musical series for preschoolers inspired by the beloved story of “The Little Mermaid.” The series stars Emmy Award winner Mykal-Michelle Harris (Disney Channel’s “Raven’s Home”) as Ariel and Broadway, film and television stars Taye Diggs (“Rent”) and Amber Riley (“Glee”) as King Triton and Ursula.
Set in the fantastical Caribbean-inspired underwater kingdom of Atlantica, the series follows young mermaid princess Ariel as she embarks on fun-filled, action-packed mermaid adventures with her friends. It features fan-favorite characters, including King Triton, Ursula, Sebastian and Flounder, as well as exciting new additions like Ariel’s two best friends, mer-children Lucia and Fernie, and lots of other adorable sea creatures.
“Disney Junior’s Ariel” is executive produced by Lynne Southerland (“Mulan II,” “Happily Ever After”). The series highlights the multicultural diversity of the Caribbean through music, food, festivals, fashion, language and folklore.