Felix Andino, also known by the stage name Andi Muzic, is a singer / song writer piano, bass and saxophone player from New York. Felix Andino music has been heard all over the world from the UK to Japan to the USA his song writing comes from prior experiences in his childhood life.
Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, Felix Andino is a driven, passionate and charismatic artist with a unique approach to his blend of Christian music.
His music is all about connecting with listeners through high-energy release, uplifting melodies, and a thought-provoking production values not unlike influential performers such as Isreael Houghton, Toby Mac or Hillsong, just to mention but a few.
His style is very diverse, ranging from free styling to EDM and even salsa & merengue: it’s all about making music for the love and praise of our blessed savior Jesus Christ.
Felix is also able to sing in Spanish and English, reaching a vast audience with the very important Christian values portrayed within his songs.
Find out more and let the music tell you the rest of this story. www.felixandino.com
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