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Home » Blue October “Get Back Up”

Blue October “Get Back Up”

Blue October  burst into the public consciousness when their song “Calling You” was used in the 2003 film American Wedding. Of course, like all bands, this success was not overnight, as they formed in 1995. But, things were looking up, as they re-signed with Universal Music after being dropped a few years earlier, and would go on to release their biggest singles and album Foiled. Beneath all this though, lead singer/ frontman Justin Furstenfeld was dealing with mental health issues, which would lead to drug use… which led to even more drug use.

Director Norry Niven captures all of the highs, lows, near-death experiences, torment, and the road to recovery in intimate and powerful detail in Get Back Up.

“These interjections prove the perfect visual representation…to put the viewers in the headspace of Justin…”

Niven smartly pars downs the scope of the film to not really be the history of Blue October, but the personal journey of Justin Furstenfeld and how he came to confront his demons head-on. Get Back Up keeps the focus on Justin, where his head was at during certain times and how exactly his drug use became more than even the singer realized at the time.

The director allows the audience to empathize with, then get angry at, Justin. Mind you, he is not painting Justin as some villain who swallows drugs because he can’t deal with anyone else. Niven gets underneath to explore what makes him tick, so the audience can understand Justin’s decisions, even if they don’t agree with them.

The story of mental health, coping through drug use, and nearly losing it all is compellingly told through excellent directing, intense editing, and very open and honest interviews.